Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016 Bookend...

2016 almost officially a wrap! What a VERY VERY WEIRD year!!!! Can't say it was completely good or completely terrible...just WEIRD! As an artist, I was able to create again after working a few years in a non-art related job (although, I tried as often as I could to squeeze some art & creativity in when I could). 2016 for me was a year of hope for advancement in my "day job" only to still be at the same place I was when I started the year. I am still optimistic & trying for advancement but it may be time for a career change in 2017 if things continue to remain stale and the same. I did a show for the first time in several years (3 Rivers Comicon 2016) and although I didn't really have a stellar show, it was refreshing to get back out and meet & greet folks who love comics as well as fellow creators. I don't care how old I get, I'm ALWAYS GOING TO LOVE & READ COMICS!!! I started posting again here on Blogger and at The Duck Webcomics site. Not sure if anyone is reading but I enjoy creating and posting so I'm going to continue to do so until it becomes boring or a hassle. I have ALOT of new pans on the fire so hopefully I can post here at the end of 2017 that it was a fantastic year with just a hint of weird....sometimes weirdness can be good or at least make things interesting. Stay tuned!

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